The Association for the Capital Projects Engineering & Construction Community.

Wednesday Session Planning Team

May 13, 2016

After an exciting Future Leaders mid-year meeting, the Wednesday Session Planning Team has begun planning the itinerary for the day preceding the open portion of the ECC Conference. The Wednesday session of the conference is specifically for Future Leaders and is an opportunity to network in a smaller group setting before the conference. There are always motivating and engaging speakers and networking activities to benefit Future Leaders both on a professional and personal level.

Since the mid-year meeting, the Wednesday Session Planning Team has been developing a potential speakers list. Team members are reaching out to people in their organizations and key contacts for candidate speakers who are engaging and knowledgeable on a topic that aligns with the conference’s theme of leveraging leadership, diversity and innovation. During the month of May, the potential speakers list will be reviewed and evaluated, the speaker list will be finalized and the itinerary for the day will be drafted.

The Wednesday Session Planning Team looks forward to working with each of the other teams in order to develop a memorable and inspiring conference. Team members are listed below, as well as liaisons with the other planning teams:

  • Florencia Rodriguez Aponte de Nakhle (Co-lead)
  • Mariano Luja (Co-lead)
  • Justin Mannina
  • Daniel McInnis
  • Mark Rooney (Liaison with Networking Team)
  • Elizabeth Shomette
  • Michael Addison
  • Ray Berkey
  • Michael Chavan
  • Glen Cullop
  • Abhishek Dhawan (Liaison with Networking Team)
  • Stephen Fyfe (Liaison with Safety Team)
  • Betsy Harpe
  • April King (Liaison with Social Media Team)